News Archives - Environment

Chris Boardman will call out councils dragging their feet on walking and cycling

Chris Boardman is to head up Active Travel England (ATE) – a new Ofsted-style organisation that will rate councils on how well they make provision for walking and cycling. ATE will be consulted as part of major planning applications to advise on provision for walking and cycling and inspect infrastructure built by local councils. Local authorities could lose funding if…

France bans many domestic flights to help safeguard environment

France has banned internal flights where the same journey could be made by train in under two-and-a-half hours – a move that is expected to ground 12 per cent of domestic flights. By UK standards, the ruling -which forms part of a wider package of environmental measures unveiled last year – seems wildly ambitious but the French national assembly had…

UK left behind in race for cargo bikes

German cyclists buy over 25 times more cargo bikes each year than their British counterparts. It’s an astounding figure not lost on Volkswagen Group head, Herbert Diess, who late last year tweeted: “In overcrowded urban centres the car will only be accepted in the future if the bike has enough space in the mobility mix” – a sign that even the…

DIY Traffic Calming vs Road Danger

Confronted by a laissez-faire attitude towards road danger, people are taking matters into their own hands. Twitter user @HerbieGreen this week shared photos of a bird box in Billingham disguised as a speed camera, but this kind of imaginative DIY traffic calming isn’t limited to these shores. Folk all around the world are demanding safer streets. Community groups in America…

COP26: Cycling is one of humanity’s greatest hopes for shift to zero-carbon future

It’s peculiar there’s been no talk at COP26 about cycling and it’s potential to tackle the climate emergency. Required reading for the great and the good in Glasgow this week as they glide serenely between  meetings in their chauffeur driven limos, should be the open letter signed by us and over 60 other organisations across Europe which outlines how leaders…