News Archives - Walking

Pedestrians paid £35 bounty to report pavement parking

New Yorkers frustrated by the inconvenience and danger caused by pavement parking will be paid the equivalent of £35 every time they successfully report pavement parking or an obstructed cycle lane under plans being drawn up by the city’s council. Anyone who reports a driver will receive a bounty of 25 per cent of the $175 fine for pavement parking.…

Pop-up Parklet Day 2022

Most of us who live in cities become blind to the endless rows of cars parked along every street – immune to the visual clutter and numb to the road danger to which they contribute. We forget that the streets on which we live are for people first. However, there are those who make a stand. Environmental campaigner and supporter…

Car Free Day 2022 – celebrating 25 years

This month marks 25 years since we inaugurated Britain’s first national Car Free Day – an event that’s now global and still going strong. Many hundreds of town and cities around the world are expected to take part in this year’s event on 22 September 2022. While we’re celebrating the quarter century since we helped usher in the UK’s first…

A century ago cars in cities were unwelcome guests

Next time traffic prevents you crossing a street or a parked car blocks the pavement ahead, remember these perils of urban living weren’t always regarded as the norm. In the 1920s, cars were a relatively new phenomenon and the public reacted to a soaring death toll with natural outrage. Newspapers labelled killer drivers as ‘remorseless murderers’ and likened the threat…

Stay cool with a Yeti drinks bottle

Think of Yeti as the Apple of the drinkware and cooler world. Their products aren’t cheap, but they work flawlessly and the design is beautifully understated. The photo of The Rambler Bottle above doesn’t do it justice. As soon as you handle it you quickly realise it’s made well. With a quick twist, the robust handle comes off, exposing a…