News Archives - Travel

Heatwave hacks: The bottle shower

With temperatures expected to soar this weekend, we are giving away a bottle shower – a rose attachment that twists into place on all narrow neck plastic bottles. When the bottle is upturned, the device delivers a constant flow of water without any need for squeezing. A two-litre bottle holds enough water for a shower lasting almost two-and-a-half minutes and…

Pedlet: A pedal-powered parklet

Parklets are popping up in cities around the country as community groups and local authorities encourage us all to challenge the car’s dominance of public space. 1970s San Francisco was the birthplace of the parklet – a way of reclaiming a single car parking space in favour of public space. The first one-day parklet was created in 2005 when a group…

Shoulder bag made from recycled plastic bottles

The Jack Wolfskin Warwick Ave Shoulder Bag is constructed from polyester made from totally from recycled plastic drinks bottles. In total, some 7.7 billion plastic bottles are bought across Britain each year, resulting in substantial amounts of waste. There’s no substitute for eliminating single-use plastic products, but after reducing and re-using comes recycling so we have one of the shoulder…

The disposable bag is dead. Long live ‘notabag’

As disposable plastic carrier bags edge towards extinction, their place is being taken by a new generation of lightweight reusable bag. Whether you are popping out on your bike or off on holiday further afield, the reflective Notabag is a clever combination of a bag and a backpack made from high visibility reflective material. It’s party trick is quickly transforming from…

Where will you travel in 2019?

It’s hard to know whether spring has sprung, but the promise of better weather is enough to spread the travel bug. Bicycles that have been languishing in sheds over the winter deserve to be brushed off and readied for a summer of riding, travel maps dusted off and adventures planned. If you are planning to cycle abroad,  Bike Express makes European touring…