Bag an umbrella for the blustery conditions ahead


With blustery meteorological and economic conditions ahead, we want to show solidarity by giving away a clever design of umbrella – complete with an image of the blue skies that always lie beyond.

A new take on the traditional brolly – the mechanism opens inside out, which ensures the wet side of the umbrella faces inward when closed

The umbrella should be considered standard issue for any journey in Britain – however one travels and whatever the time of year. It’s a design that has remained largely unchanged for thousands of years, but the risk of losing one has not diminished over time. On an average day, the lost property office at Transport for London stores 12,000 waiting to be reunited with their owners.

Win yourself a blue skies umbrella

We have a blue sky umbrella to give away. Leave us a dry comment at the bottom of this page and we will pick a winner next week.

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  1. John Reed


    Rain? What rain? An umbrella is only needed if it rains. In which case, I would like one, please.
    Thank you. πŸš΄β€β™€οΈβ›°πŸš΅β€β™€οΈπŸš΄β€β™‚οΈπŸš΄β€β™€οΈ

  2. Steve


    Clever design, I always manage to get wet against my folded brolly

  3. Brian Ronald


    I want to see how this compares to a Fulton Stormshield.

  4. Gillian


    Clever and pretty, I’d love one please

  5. Darren C


    One of these would be perfect for my wife, walking is her only means of transport and while walking to work at 05.00 in the morning rain she could benefit from some blue-sky thinking like this.
    Thank you ETA for the chance to win this for her!

  6. Jim Woodlingfield


    Would help keep my kids dry when we are out exploring and remind us of the blue skies waiting behind the clouds!

  7. Peter Clark


    Arid. Parched. Dehydrated. That’s my dry comment πŸ€”

    • Helen


      I live in Brizzle – it’s called that for a reason. One of these would keep me from the endless drizzle.

  8. Rory Harkins



  9. Karl Wallendszus


    I like the handle – it gives different options for hand positions, a bit like dropped handlebars.

  10. Anna Green


    This has set up a longing for blue skies – not seen many of those up north lately

  11. Carol W


    Hello Brolly πŸ™‚

  12. Mrs Glenn Abbassi


    Super handle – can be hung out to dry instead of being folded wet inside a bag

  13. Ema


    I can just look up and look at the clear sky and white clouds and feel better

  14. Anthony


    ETA – Evaporated, Thirsty, Arid

  15. Laura Turney


    Yes please. I’ve lost my brolly so this would be lovely (it’s also much nicer than the one I lost).

  16. PeteG


    Wow. This design is brilliant. No more struggling to stow wet brolly on bus, train or in the car. Happier fellow travellers!

    • Gene Kelly


      With one of those I’ll always be singing in the rain πŸ™‚

  17. Tracey Darch


    A gorgeous brolly – it’s too nice to take it out in the rain! πŸ˜‰

  18. Bryn Gwyndaf Jones


    What lovely umbrellas, particularly as I’ve just had a stroke and am very limited in what I can do.

  19. Mark B


    I’ll be guttered if I don’t win this!

  20. Chris


    Walking instead of driving!

  21. Su


    With a wonderful umbrella like that I’d be home and dry!

  22. Chris Bromwich


    Yes, definitely need an umbrella now and this looks just what’s needed.

  23. Richard Newman


    No doubt that this the result of some blue sky thinking. We’ll need more of it post Covid.

  24. Jean Thompson


    A wonderful idea. Blue skies as the water drips off, not on me!

  25. Phil


    This will have me singing in the rain

  26. Alastair Seagroatt


    Great idea, turning design on its head.

  27. Steve K


    Shouldn’t an upside-down brolly protect you from splashing from passing cars …

  28. Raf


    A jolly brolly folly, Polly!

  29. Craig


    This would be very useful at the moment.

    Thanks eta.

  30. Craig S


    This would be very useful at the moment.

    Thanks eta.

  31. Pat Neylon


    Mr Blue you did it right!

  32. James Russell


    Muscadet. Out-dry that one, peeps.
    (hope no Bretonphiles are on here and come back with Gros Plant).

  33. Sarah


    This would be very useful to keep me dry in wet Yorkshire

  34. Bill


    You’d be a drip not to want one of these…

  35. Steve


    That looks like fun in the rain, I’d love one!

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