Tracer 360: A bicycle light with heart

A team of engineers has re-invented the cycling light as an illuminated heart – the Tracer 360 which is worn on the centre of the chest or back and held in place by fibre-optic shoulder straps.

Tracer 360

With the lighter evenings of spring a distant prospect, the highly distinctive, multi-coloured light will be of interest to cyclists and jogger who want to stand out from the crowd.



During the development of the Tracer 360, its designers took into consideration that the human eye is most sensitive to the colour yellow just before and during dusk, and that once our eyes adapt to the dark, they are most sensitive to the colour green. Most interestingly for cyclists is the fact that a red flashing LED is less likely to be seen by our peripheral vision than green or blue.

Noxgear Tracer 360

Super bright LEDs and fibre optics allow the Tracer 360 to produce numerous full-colour spectrum illumination modes at the push of a button. Three AAA batteries provide up to 40 hours’ use.


  1. David


    What a crap video, well done whizz kid!

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