Skeletal saddles: The Infinity bike seat

The Infinity seat might not be the first redesign of the traditional bicycle saddle to promise improved comfort, but it is arguably the best looking.

Infinity skeletal bicycle saddle

The elegant, skeletal-looking design is the brainchild of Dr Vincent Marcel, a chiropractor and triathlete. While researching for the project, Marcel trawled patents on bicycle seats dating back to the dawn of cycling in the late nineteenth century and noticed that, barring a few creative departures, they had remained effectively the same.

A traditional bicycle seat places the rider’s weight onto the so-called ‘sit bones’ and pubic bones, causing pinching and discomfort, which in turn decreases performance and endurance.

Infinity saddle

The Infinity Seat might look like a saddle-shaped cookie cutter, but the seemingly uncomfortable design cleverly distributes the rider’s weight onto the body’s natural shock absorbers – the muscle mass of the buttocks.

Judging by the runaway success of the Infinity Seat on crowd-funding website, Kickstarter, expect it at your local bike shop sometime soon.


  1. stefano


    We [should have] learned at school that whan reducing the surface on which weight lean against the pressure in the remaining area of contact increases, accordingly. Considering we do not have a “highway” but rather a very small area in the perineal area, the scheleton saddle design (that does not differe in shape from any other traditional saddle being used since the beginning of the century) in spite of the hollow makes me think it’s NOT an improvement at all, and could actually be, in the long term, even worse and create patologies in other adjacent vains and organs compressed when rider gets in the position obliged by the fixed saddle and derived bio-mechanics.

    I use the un-Saddle Highh Performance Ergonomic Bike Seat System a.k.a. SellePROUST ( since 1998. I purchased my first un-Saddle with 100% refund guaranteed in case dissatisfied after 1000km riding, and I am now selling the product in Europe among other bicycle components (GoPro, Rotor, iBike etc.).

    If you are convinced it works I will be interested in testing one (used if you want) and send it back once I am finished with the testing with my comments (FYI we had for a few months sold SMP but after a while customers came back wishing to return the product because had severe damages (in one case a cyclist had to remove a testicle by surgery.

    Looking forward to read your comments… and in case you’re interested we can discuss cooperation in both ways. Cheers, Stefano

  2. Steven P


    Have tested the seat and it blew me away. For all you negative nay sayers all I can say is don’t mock it until you tried it. This seat is going to blow all other saddles out of the running. The seat just got thumbs up from a fellow that did the race across America. Pretty good endorsement to have.

    • peter


      Hi Steven,

      Where can you buy the infinity seat? I have sitbone problems and like to try the infinity seat.

      kind regards,

  3. Daniel Walmsley


    I use my Infinity saddle on my road bike and indoor training road bike too. I also have one on my mountain bikes x2. Unsure what the bloke is talking about above. Seems irrelevant to me if you haven’t actually ridden on one? I have ridden on one. A lot. It had completely removed any and all penis numbness I was experiencing after prolonged rides. Usually on the roadie as on the mountain bike you tend to move around more but I still find it more comfortable on the mtb too.
    Had stood up to some fairly hectic trails. I weigh 84kg and am 6’3″.
    Has improved my sex life and enjoyment of cycling. I’m not kidding.

  4. Mark


    Where can i buy the saddle in the Benelux ??

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