Car-shaped tents: Cheaper than a loft conversion

With the average value of London property a staggering £859 per square foot, what better way of expanding your home, making your neighbours envious and reducing your emissions than erecting a Porsche 911-shaped tent in your street?

The tents are smaller, but far better value than a loft conversion for those needing additional space.

With a footprint of 80 square feet, the car-shaped tent represents over £60,000 of London space – almost as much as a real Porsche 911, but far more cheap and environmentally friendly to run.

Tent cars and the camper vans below require no road tax, insurance or parking permits or car breakdown cover.

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  1. Peter Simmons


    And it’s not even April 1st. Yes, I’d love to sit in a tent in the gutter as traffic streamed past filling it with fumes and the floor running with water when it rains, lovely! Hardly anything like a loft conversion however.

    • John Holmes


      Peter, relax – I think the reference to loft conversions, and even the tents themselves, are tongue in cheek. Thankfully this sort of thing is permitted on days other than April 1st

  2. paul


    what is road tax????
    Tent cars and the camper vans below require no road tax, insurance or parking permits or car breakdown cover.

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