News Archives - 2011

Easy protection from volcanic ash threat

Budget airline Easyjet has developed a device that it claims will enable pilots to avoid dangerous ash clouds of the kind that grounded over 100,000 aircraft last year when the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland erupted.

The fashion for town bicycles

If you ever sit in traffic jams and daydream about cutting gracefully and effortlessly through the cityscape, then stop off at “Bobbin Bicycles”:, one of an increasing number of outlets specializing in practical and stylish town bikes.

Pedal-powered iPad for winter cyclists

To mark a ‘cycling season’ this year over a month longer than usual due to mild weather, the Environmental Transport Association (ETA) is giving away an iPad adapted to be powered by cyclists on the move.

Victoria Pendleton effect boosts women’s cycling

An amateur cycling club with an ethos based as much on encouraging participation by women as performing well in races reports a huge increase in the sport driven by the success of Olympic champion Victoria Pendleton.

Wireless charging for electric cars and bicycles

Mayor Boris Johnson has often referred to his hopes of London becoming the ‘electric car capital of Europe’ and now plans are underway for a network of wireless charging points for electric cars and bicycles in London.