Car Junkie Detox – Day one!

One day in and my surviving without a car has been quite lightweight – I didn’t set my alarm early enough, and luckily sweet talked a friend into giving me a lift to work.

I had a meeting in London, which would usually involve driving to the station from the office and then getting the train to.

I got a lift to the station and did my regular train journey, but had to return to the office (weybridge)after, which meant me walking from Weybridge station back to the office. It was a lovely evening so nothing too painstaking there – although I did try and be clever and take a short cut which ended up not being so short and probably added an extra 5 minutes to a 20 minute walk.

Worked late and bagged a lift home to Guildford with the girl that cleans the office.

I feel my reliance on lifts today was slightly defeating the object of my task – but I’m breaking myself in gently!

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