Journalist given eco driving tips

Drivers can be more eco friendly by taking on board simple tips such as slowing as they approach traffic lights, the Halifax Courier reports.

Andy Welch, writing for the newspaper, was given some advice on how to be greener while behind the wheel.

He said that despite realising he was a cautious motorist, he was unaware that he could save money by making a few changes to his driving style.

Mr Welch was informed that gear changing is key when it comes to making him more eco-friendly while on the road, by moving up when he reaches 2,000 revs per minute, rather than when at 3,500.

He also learned that being aware is key to being greener behind the wheel, with the ability to look further ahead and anticipate what is coming up next important for motorists.

Recently, the Driving Standards Agency released tips for those planning long journeys over the summer, in a bid to cut the number of road deaths between July and September.

This story has been supplied by a third party and as such its content may not reflect the views of the Environmental Transport Association.

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