News Archives - Health

Get your tanks off our lawn – how cars are getting heavier

The BBC this week trumpeted news that not a single occupant of the Volvo XC90 SUV has been killed since 2012. Other than the article reading like a puff piece for the Swedish car maker, it overlooks entirely the question of how many many other road users have perished in crashes involving the two-ton vehicle. If car driver and occupants is the…

Inflatable zebra crossing for young and old

Our inflatable zebra crossing, which we designed to help schools campaign for safe crossings, came to the aid of different community group this week when it travelled to a retirement complex in Stapleford. Carpenters Court offers 48 dwellings for older folk and is situated next to a busy road. As part of the original plans, £40,000 was paid towards the…

The young have always been the arbiters of cool…fewer than ever are learning to drive

Significant changes to social-economic conditions and living circumstances are the main factors behind a marked drop in car ownership among young people in the last generation, conclude academics from the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) in a study for the Department for Transport. The researchers found a decline in home ownership and increased higher education participation were among…

Today’s cities favour cars and commerce over kids

We treat kids like pests, but the real plague is our refusal to design cities in favour of people. Here in Britain, there’s a company selling the Mosquito, a device designed to emit an unbearably high-pitched sound only kids can hear. According to the website, the device is aimed at people ‘fed up with groups of kids damaging their property, hanging…

It’s time for us to stop killing our children

Could television inspire a programme of road danger reduction? We’ve lost count of the number of times David Attenborough’s Blue Planet has been mentioned in parliament since it highlighted catastrophic effects being wreaked upon our oceans by plastic waste. Whatever you make of Theresa May’s speech this week in which she said we should aim for a ban on single-use…