Tyre Mate up for grabs

tyre mate

Used by mechanics in bicycle workshops, the American-made Tyre Mate promises to pull the tightest of tyre beads over a rim without causing any damage to the tube, tyre or rim. It’s lightweight and small enough to carry with you.

According to the guys at the London Bike Kitchen, who sell the Tyre Mate for £17, “Just position the tool’s rigid arm on the rim behind the part of the tyre that needs pulling on, then reach the hinged arm over to grab the bead. Use leverage to pull the bead onto the rim. So easy.”

“Great for people who have arthritis, weak hands, or are interested in speed over pride. Ain’t no shame in this game.”

Here’s how to do it the old-fashioned way.

Win a Tyre Mate

We have a Kool Stop Tyre Mate to give away. To be in with a chance of winning, simply leave a message at the bottom of the page and we’ll pick a name out of the hat next week.

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  1. Ema


    Wow this is really good and would make my life easier then changing the tube.

  2. Chris Johnson


    Looks better than the supposedly-indestructable one I’ve just broken!

  3. Lance Woodman


    What a great device

  4. Steve K


    Looks like a really useful tool …

    • Anne


      A great idea and makes a fiddly job much more tolerable

  5. Carol W


    Ooh wonder if it would work with Schwalbe Marathon Plus tyres on a Brompton. My thumbs shudder when I think about replacing them 😄

  6. steve


    Awesome! No more ‘tired’ and bloody fingers!

  7. Darron


    For someone who struggles with puncture repairs this would be an absolute godsend.

  8. Richard Scrase


    Appliance of science – yes please – I keep bending my little tyre levers

  9. Julie


    My son keeps getting punctures and I struggle to get the tyre off every time. Yes please!

  10. Philip Benson


    Makes it look easy!

  11. David Williamson


    I have really struggled with some tyres – this looks great for the job, and especially when it’s cold

  12. Keith Graham


    A perfect mate for my arthritic hands!

  13. Vic Kearley


    Gripping stuff!

  14. Russ Taylor


    Could use this in my work shop. Especially good for those tight racing tyres!

  15. Peter Clark


    No more thumbs like Dwayne Johnson!

  16. Alastair Seagroatt


    I would love to give this a try, having just turned 72 today I’m finding it harder to mend punctures, especially on cold Scottish winter days. I would love to see if this would help.

  17. Dave Brabants


    It will save my arthritic hand from getting really painful when changing tyres. It used to be easy and this should get me back to being able to do it myself and not needing help

  18. Lesley Walton


    Here is a woman of a certain age with feeble hands and a liking for cycle touring. Yes please!!

  19. Bill


    Perhaps it might encourage my wife to try and fix her own punctures if it’s as easy as it looks….? Fingers crossed.

  20. Terry John Smith


    What a MATE to have with you when you get a puncture.

  21. Roger Sewell


    I could of used it two days ago on a back wheel puncture, instead I had to use three desert spoons.

  22. Matthew farr


    Looks a great product, would like to buy a few if we can try 1 first 👍

    Matt – NipNip

  23. Huw Thomas


    Brilliant, Save my thumbs on marathons !

  24. Eli


    Didn’t know such a thing existed – great device!

  25. sara garside


    Does this mean no more ripping of the skin between thumb and nail, trying to put on schwalbe marathons. And that’s two of us, we’re such rubbish.
    Excellent, please pick us.

  26. james


    Sounds an excellent product would love to have one

  27. Mike G


    Cool tool! (somebody had to say it) yes please, Especially useful for those Marathon Plus tyres!

  28. Chris Bromwich


    The extra leverage makes this look like a really useful tool, especially for those that are ageing and have less grip than they used to have.

  29. Graham Corfield


    Wow what an amazing tool, just the job to ease my old hands!!

  30. robert p Griffiths-garrod


    I need this – some of my tyres are really tight on their rims

  31. Brian D


    As someone who changed an inner tube yesterday this would have been a real help.

  32. Jonathan Hunt


    Great idea! Would be a very useful addition.

  33. Andy


    Could mean curse-free tyre changing

  34. Xhris


    Looks like a brilliant solution for some devilish tyres

  35. Kevin Morris


    Never win anything but this would help me believe we all get lucky sometime, where can you buy it.

  36. Richard Newman


    MY tyres definitely need a mate!

  37. Stephen


    I’d really love to give one of these a go on my commuting bike. I’ve gone for Schwalbe Marathon Plus tyres and dread having to remove them!!

  38. Gillian


    I’ve watched some helpful videos on how to remove difficult tyres, but even with a refined technique, repairing a puncture in my Conti Gatorskins is a painful job. This looks like a wonderful tool!


  39. nick


    having broken numerous plastic bars doing this i’d love one.

  40. Jim Woodlingfield


    Do love the marathon plus tyres but the last time I replaced them it took three days to get the feeling back in my thumbs…

  41. MARK


    I reckon the manufacturers of these challenging tyres are in cahoots with this tool manufacturer! Just kidding, but the tool looks FABULOUS.

  42. Ria


    I would love one as I have no strength

  43. peter tremain


    What a Tool! I mean that’s very useful.

  44. Peter Chisnall



  45. Greg


    Help at hand for horrid hassles

  46. Stevo


    schwalbe should supply one of these with their tyres!!


  47. Fred


    Help for my arthritic thumbs

  48. Jane


    I would love one of these. I’ve ripped the skin off my thumbs in the past or had to drop by my local bike shop and plead with the guys there to finish replacing the tyre. It’s so embarrassing…

  49. Mike Croker


    Thumb relief!

  50. Iain Shanks


    I could do with one of these – save my poor thumbs

  51. Mark Bobbitt


    I’ve been changing tyres all my life and my hands are strong but there are some tyres that have snapped levers and left my fingers sore so I would love to give one of these a try.

  52. Rory Harkins


    That looks really useful

  53. Craig


    I wonder if these can cope with all widths of tyres? I guess so. Super idea.

    Thanks to ETA for the opportunity.

  54. Pamela


    No more sore fingers and broken tyre levers!

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