Walking your bicycle for fitness

It’s a product worthy of the Innovations Catalogue, the glossy brochure of gadgets that used to fall from the pages of the Sunday newspapers; WALK-A-BIKE is a strap designed to makes it easy to walk or jog long distances with a bicycle at your side.

It’s not altogether clear why one would want to walk a bike for exercise when it’s so physically and psychologically rewarding to just ride it, but for $12.95 the Walk-a-Bike can be yours.

Is this the ultimate stocking filler for a friend who owns a bike but always makes excuses for cycling so little?



According to the maker’s website, it’s all about losing weight and good health:

WALK-A-BIKE makes it easy to walk or jog long distances with the bicycle at his/her side.

Walk your max without the worry of not being able to make it back due to, foot pain, leg cramps, or just plain fatigue. When you reach your maximum walking/jogging distance, just bicycle back. Adding bicycling to your fitness walking program provides a more diverse exercising routine.

It’s a great motivator for the person starting a fitness walking program. Walking is a low impact exercise for toning your stomach muscles. It is also excellent for the avid walker who wants to increase their fitness walking exercise to the max 5, 10, or more miles.

For seniors walking is a fitness program that’s easy to stick with when looking to get in shape.

Cycle insurance from 40p per week – cover when you are on, or off, your own bike

Cycle insurance from the ETA includes £5m third party cover for when you are riding your own bike or any other cycle you have permision to ride. It also includes new-for-old, accidental damage, vandalism, £5m third party and Cycle Rescue – a breakdown recovery service for bicycles. All from 40p per week. Get an instant quote

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