Toyota puts brakes on 400,000 hybrid cars

Toyota is to recall over 400,000 Prius and other hybrid cars to fix the brake problems that continue to plague the beleaguered car maker.

8,500 Prius cars in Britain made before January 27 are being recalled because of concerns about the cars’ performance on slick surfaces.

The Toyota share price had already taken a battering this year following law suits filed in America over claims that the cars have faulty accelerator pedals. It is alleged that the brake problems may have played a part in 19 fatal crashes.

In Britain, 180,000 Toyotas may be affected by the same alleged throttle pedal problem.

High hopes for Prius III

A spokesperson for the Environmental Transport Association (ETA) said: “Toyota hopes that the new third-generation Prius – a more powerful, luxurious and roomy version of the previous model – will help buck the downward trend in the global car market by taking hybrid technology to a new segment of the market. Clearly, these safety issues will set them back.”


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