F1 designer to build world’s most efficient electric car

A new city car, which promises to be the most efficient electric vehicle in the world, has been created by a designer best known for his work on the McLaren F1 and Mercedes SLR ‘supercars’.

Gordon Murray has received government funding to develop his T.25 petrol-powered city car into a highly-efficient electric vehicle, which is claimed will have 27 per cent less emissions than existing electric cars.

Efficient car, efficiently built

Once the design of the electric T.27 is finalised it will be built using a streamlined manufacturing process known as iStream, which involves panels being formed by welding rather than being stamped in a press.

A spokesperson for the Environmental Transport Association (ETA) said: “Superlight designs like the T.27 are able to shed weight by doing away with luxury features like air conditioning and electric windows, without compromising on safety.”

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