Renewed threat from mega-trucks

A new research paper for the European Commission is expected to lead to the introduction of road trains across Europe.

The Guardian newspaper reports that a transport directive is being planned which will eventually lead to the introduction of the so-called mega-trucks across Europe: “The EC is moving in this direction. Many states want them. There is pressure for a new directive. The intention is to study the issue further and move towards a directive next year.”

‘Monster trucks’ on British roads

This new type of ‘mega-truck’, which weighs more than a fully-laden airliner and that could soon be thundering along British streets would pose an unacceptable risk to other road users, according to the Environmental Transport Association (ETA).

The 60-ton mega-trucks measure more than 25 metres in length and are heavier than 52 family cars, or a Boeing 737-300 airliner.

Director of the ETA, Andrew Davis said “One in five fatal road collisions involves a heavy goods vehicle and these mega-trucks are like articulated lorries on steroids – they are simply too big, too heavy and too dangerous for British roads. We will continue to vigorously oppose their introduction.”

How big is a mega-truck?

Currently, the maximum permitted length for a lorry on British roads is 18.25 metres with a total combined weight of 40 tons. But the new mega-trucks would be 6.5 metres longer and 20 tons heavier.

In comparison, a Boeing 737-300 carrying its maximum 127 passengers weighs 57.6 tons at take-off, making it lighter than a mega-truck.

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The ETA provides motorists and cyclists with green breakdown cover. The ETA exists in order to campaign for sustainable transport – when you buy our services below you help fund our charitable work.

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