Thieves now cannibalise cars as well as bicycles
October 19, 2022

As a cycle insurance provider that covers the theft of bike parts, we've noticed a steady increase in this type of crime. Perhaps it's to do with the increase in prices over recent years or it might be that we're all getting better at locking our bikes properly, but thieves seem content with pinching a saddle or shifters if they're unable to make off with the complete bike.
As locks have become stronger, parts like handlebars, seats, shifters and quick release wheels are the target for a new breed of criminal. And it’s pretty much the perfect crime; bicycle components are easy to steal, usually impossible to trace and a breeze to sell on. Having parts stolen by bicycle cannibals is at best an inconvenience, but it’s also demoralising. An experience that can put an occasional rider off cycling for good.
It's a crime that's impossible to guard against unless you have adequate cycle insurance cover. We cover vandalism and theft of parts - and don't insist that quick release components are locked when you leave your bike in public because we recognise this isn't always possible.
The cannibalisation of bikes is spreading to cars. Not only are vehicles being targetted for their catalytic converters, which are valuable, easily located and removed, and fetch good prices on the secondhand market, but a recent recent reports describe how cars in Scotland and across the Midlands are being stripped of numerous components - especially when left at remote locations overnight. It's not uncommon for these vehicles to have body panels and bonnets stolen - more than likely to order.
The ethical choice
The ETA was established in 1990 as an ethical provider of green, reliable travel services. Over 30 years on, we continue to offer cycle insurance , breakdown cover and mobility scooter insurance while putting concern for the environment at the heart of all we do.
The Good Shopping Guide judges us to be the UK's most ethical provider.

Information correct at time of publication.