
Forget sweaty backs – there's a better way to carry stuff by bike

February 7, 2025

In Britain, we cyclists might love our bikes, but when it comes to practical accessories, we’re oddly resistant. Mudguards? Too sensible. A centre stand? Who needs one? Panniers? Forget it - most people would rather lug a sweaty backpack or, worse, dangle a plastic bag from their handlebars like a chaotic wind sock.


UK grants for e-bikes

February 6, 2025

As the UK races towards its net-zero goals, electric vehicles are often held up as a poster child for sustainable transport. Generous subsidies and tax incentives fuel their growth, with companies and consumers alike reaping the rewards. Yet, in this drive towards electrification, the potentially transformative low-carbon transport option offered by e-bikes remain overlooked. Why does the UK government fail to incentivise e-bikes with the same zeal as electric cars, despite their immense potential?


Time for a red tractor mark for e-bikes?

February 5, 2025

Buying an e-bike should be easy; Pick a model, check the specs, hand over your cash, and off you go. But in Britain, it’s anything but. Instead, you’re met with baffling rules about motor power, speed cut-out limits, and throttles – and that’s if you can even find the right information in the first place.


How to keep your e-bike battery happy (and make it last longer)

February 5, 2025

If you’ve splashed out on an e-bike, the battery is the single most expensive (and important) part of it. Treat it well, and it’ll keep you rolling for years. Neglect it, and you could be facing an expensive replacement sooner than you’d like. The good news? Looking after your e-bike battery is easy - you just need to follow a few simple steps.


Insurance for bicycles on motorhomes, caravans and campervans

February 3, 2025

Motorhomes and campervans offer an enviable freedom to roam – heading for wherever the mood takes you, pulling over for a brew with a view, and waking up somewhere new. And once you’ve parked up, getting about couldn’t be easier: Just bring a bike. Or three.


Cracks in the pavement: England’s parking problem

January 31, 2025

Motorists in Glasgow now face fines of up to £100 for parking on pavements, as the city joins Edinburgh and other parts of Scotland in enforcing a ban designed to protect pedestrians. It’s a long-overdue step forward for accessibility, ensuring that people using wheelchairs, pushing buggies, or simply walking are not forced into the road to navigate around poorly parked cars.


What's better than a bicycle bell?

January 30, 2025

Ringing a bicycle bell should be one of the simplest joys of cycling, but for we Brits it can be the source of social awkwardness when navigating shared paths. Ring it too close, and you risk startling the pedestrian into jumping sideways. Ring it too far away, and they might not hear it, leaving you in the delicate dance of “squeeze past”.


Yo-Go : A Lime bike with four wheels and a roof

January 29, 2025

London's average traffic speed is just 7mph and it gets slower by the year. Perhaps it’s no surprise then that young people, in particular, are falling out of love with the conventional car. Increasingly, city dwellers are swapping four wheels for two, embracing alternatives like Lime bikes and e-bike rental schemes. Into this shifting landscape steps Yo-Go, a fresh take on urban mobility that’s already turning heads in its current pilot phase.


Cycling beyond sport: How e-bikes and trikes empower people with disabilities

January 27, 2025

When policymakers and the media frame cycling as a sport or a pursuit for the young, fit, and able-bodied, they miss a crucial aspect of its value: cycling as an everyday transport option. And for many people with disabilities, bicycles and tricycles - particularly electric models - are not just modes of transport but essential mobility aids that offer independence, flexibility, and a sustainable way to get around.
