
Cracks in the pavement: England’s parking problem
January 31, 2025

Motorists in Glasgow now face fines of up to £100 for parking on pavements, as the city joins Edinburgh and other parts of Scotland in enforcing a ban designed to protect pedestrians. It’s a long-overdue step forward for accessibility, ensuring that people using wheelchairs, pushing buggies, or simply walking are not forced into the road to navigate around poorly parked cars.

The giant 5-metre walking machine
January 24, 2014

As cars become progressively faster and larger, help for pedestrians might be at hand in the form of Prosthesis - a 5-metre tall, battery-powered walking machine from Canada. A team of engineers in Vancouver is building Prosthesis, a gargantuan human-controlled robot designed to walk and run. As car drivers are now surrounded by air bags,...

Power to the pedestrian – walking bridges around the world
November 15, 2013

Looking like a tendril from the stunning Beijing Olympics bird’s nest stadium, the soon-to-be-built Changsha Meixi lake crossing is another example of the cutting-edge architecture being employed around the world to build landmark pedestrian bridges - a celebration of walking that is always to be encouraged. The architectural practice, NEXT...

Mini-Holland schemes boost cycling and walking
November 23, 2018

A scheme to boost cycling in London has been shown to increase walking as well as the number of cyclists. The so-called Mini-Holland scheme allocated a pot of £100m between three London Boroughs to demonstrate the benefits of proper funding for sustainable transport. Research by Dr Rachel Aldred of Westminster University found that after...