Thwarting thieves: Sold Secure locks and cycle insurance

January 2, 2025

Bicycle D-lock being cut with angle grinder

When it comes to protecting your bike, understanding the nuances of bicycle lock security is essential. Enter Sold Secure, the certification body that rigorously tests and rates bike locks to help cyclists make informed choices. But why does their rating matter to cyclists and insurers alike?

How Sold Secure ratings work

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Sold Secure subjects bike locks to a series of demanding tests that simulate real-world attacks. Locks are rated Bronze, Silver, or Gold according to level of resistance.

Some locks earn a Diamond rating - an additional tier reserved for exceptional durability. These ratings are more than a badge of honour; they’re often a requirement. Most cycle insurance policies stipulate that bikes left unattended in public must be secured with a lock of a certain rating, typically silver or above, to qualify for a claim in the event of theft.

Cycle insurance provider ETA has the above lock requirements

If you are unsure of the rating of your lock, visit the Sold Secure website or call 01327 264 687

The reality of bike theft

Even locks boasting the highest Sold Secure rating aren’t impervious to attack. Thieves armed with cordless angle grinders - the nemesis of bike locks everywhere - can breach even the most advanced models given enough time and determination. Innovations like the angle-grinder-resistant locks from brands like Litelok and Hiplok are designed to slow thieves down, making their task more challenging and noisy. However, ‘resistant’ doesn’t mean ‘proof’, and a determined thief with time and tools on their side remains a threat.

This is where cycle insurance comes in. While a good lock acts as your bike's first line of defence, insurance ensures that, in the unfortunate event of theft, the financial loss is someone else’s problem.


Why insurance matters

Cycle insurance offers peace of mind that no lock, however strong, can provide. Policies often cover not just theft but also accidental damage and third-party liability. With ETA’s comprehensive cycle insurance, you’re even covered for 24/7 breakdown recovery.

A layered approach to bike security

The best strategy for bike security combines multiple layers: a high-quality Sold Secure-rated lock, careful consideration of where and how you lock your bike, and reliable cycle insurance. By using these measures together, you significantly reduce the likelihood of theft and mitigate the impact if it does occur.

In a world where the joy of cycling often intersects with the unfortunate reality of theft, Sold Secure and cycle insurance from the ETA form a vital partnership. By investing in both, you can ride with greater confidence, knowing your prized bike is as protected as possible.

Beware security cables

Please note: Even when sold together with a rated lock, security cables must never be relied upon to secure bikes as they are extremely easy for thieves to cut through. If you fail to use a Sold Secure rated lock to secure your bike through the frame to an immovable object, your insurance cover could be invalid. Find out more about how to lock your bike

How do I prove ownership of my bike lock?

Here at ETA cycle insurance, we do not require you to lock your bicycle when it is being kept at home, so long as it is not visible from the exterior of your property and that it is not accessible by anyone other than members of your household.

However, if you need to make a claim for theft in a circumstance that required your bicycle to be locked (i.e. left unattended in a public place), you must prove ownership of a suitable lock.

We will accept any of the following:

  • Original dated purchase receipt detailing the make and model of the lock
  • Ebay or PayPal dated sale documentation detailing the make and model of the lock
  • An independently written valuation provided by an accredited cycle retailer detailing the make and model of the lock

If you are unable to provide any of the above, we will accept two clear photographs of your lock; one of the lock in isolation, and a second of it locked to your insured bicycle where we can clearly see the lock make and model. Photographs must be supplied to us before you need to make a claim.

Find out more about proof of ownership

The ethical choice

The ETA was established in 1990 as an ethical provider of green, reliable travel services. Over 30 years on, we continue to offer cycle insurance , breakdown cover  and mobility scooter insurance while putting concern for the environment at the heart of all we do.

The Good Shopping Guide judges us to be the UK's most ethical provider.


Information correct at time of publication.

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