PLOT SPOILER: The solution to road danger is not polystyrene hats
February 21, 2023

We're glad that TV's Dan Walker is making a good recovery after being crashed into by a driver this week. However, we're less than thrilled at the way the takeaway from these incidents always seems to focus on the need for cyclists to protect themselves.
In countries with the highest levels of cycling very few people wear helmets, but elsewhere much debate surrounds their use. Despite a dramatic increase in the number of cyclists who wear helmets in Britain, the number of head injuries sustained has not declined - one of a number of fascinating statistics examined at
As a cycle insurer, we're often asked why we're pro-choice, but against the promotion of helmets. It's a hard question to answer quickly and perhaps the easiest way is to quote Chris Boardman, who says that in the top ten things to keep cyclists safe, helmets do not feature.
We accept that arguments questioning the wearing of cycle helmets can seem counter-intuitive and many will be surprised that the issue remains controversial. However, as evidenced by the data laid out at, cycling safety is a complex issue where best evidence sometimes conflicts with received opinion.
Key considerations about risk when cycling, what influences cycling safety and the inter-relationships between safety interventions, cycle use, behaviour and health (both individual and public) are often poorly understood. In particular, opinions as to whether cycle helmets are an appropriate, proportionate or effective intervention are often dominated by emotion and expressed with exaggeration.
One outcome of the emphasis placed on cycle helmets and head injuries has been to frame cycling as an inherently hazardous activity, with a high risk of head injury. In fact, this is untrue. Everyday cycling, like walking, is a low-risk activity. We don't believe that pedestrians should be compelled to wear helmets, either.
And of one thing we are absolutely certain. While the focus is on PPE for cyclists, we fail to identify - and address - the real source of road harm.
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The ethical choice
The ETA was established in 1990 as an ethical provider of green, reliable travel services. Over 30 years on, we continue to offer cycle insurance , breakdown cover and mobility scooter insurance while putting concern for the environment at the heart of all we do.
The Good Shopping Guide judges us to be the UK's most ethical provider.
Information correct at time of publication.