Cycling, recycling and the rise of the thrift store

October 6, 2023

|outdoor gear thrift store

Specialist outdoor clothing performance has rocketed over recent years, but so have prices. Just as well then that a desire for thrift is thriving.

Windproof jackets, 'office-friendly' fitted cycling shorts, hiking boots - a quick scan of our local charity shops this turned up a selection of each - all at bargain prices. And while it's great fun scouring thrift stores for a bargain, buying good quality, second-hand items is an environmentally-friendly way to shop.

If your local charity shops are short on the outdoor clothing, take a look at Hardloop - an online clothing outlet that offers pre-owned items from favourites like Patagonia at a fraction of retail prices.


Bicycle cooperatives and buying used

The price of brand new bikes can be eye-watering, and many entry-level models are unreasonably heavy (cheaper bikes are often with unnecessary features - like suspension, which adds weight and complexity), so buying used is the obvious answer for those wanting a decent bike without breaking the bank.

We're stating the stating the obvious, but sites like eBay, Gumtree and Facebook marketplace are crammed with bikes to suit every budget. If you're not a spanner monkey, steer clear of obviously neglected examples - everything else can be serviced by your local bike shop or one of the mobile bike repair services that have flourished in recent years.

If you know a keen cyclist, ask them for advice before you buy, but don't be seduced by the looks of a bike that isn't going to suit your needs; there's a reason most Dutch people ride a classic town bike.

Ask your local council if there are any bike cooperatives in your area. Our local bike co-op receives hundreds of donated, abandoned and recovered cycles that their team renovates and sells at extremely reasonable prices.

The advantage of this type of outlet is they triage bikes before they bother deciding whether or not to renovate them. Our local bike co-op sends a good number of poor-quality kids bikes for recycling because they'll cause any future owner more trouble than they're worth.

The ethical choice

The ETA was established in 1990 as an ethical provider of green, reliable travel services. Over 30 years on, we continue to offer cycle insurance , breakdown cover and mobility scooter insurance while putting concern for the environment at the heart of all we do.

The Good Shopping Guide judges us to be the UK's most ethical provider.


Information correct at time of publication.

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