Celebrating 27 years

April 21, 2017

This week marks 27 years since the Environmental Transport Association was first established in 1990.

We've never been what you'd describe as an average insurance company, and as we celebrate we thought we'd look back at a few of our past projects.


1990: The Environmental Transport Association is established as an ethical provider of insurance services for the environmentally concerned consumer.

1992: The ETA Car Buyer's Guide is first launched, offering tips on how to make your driving greener and safer as well as the relative merits of different types of car.

1993: Green Transport Week to raise awareness of the impact that transport has on our quality of life and the environment. Green Transport Week is celebrated by a wide range of groups and organisations across Britain and remains popular to this day.

1995: The ETA Sets up Walk to School Day in Hertfordshire as part of Green Transport Week. 1995 - Sets up a charitable trust.

1997: The ETA inaugurates the world's first national Car Free Day as part of Green Transport Week. In 2014 Car Free Days were held in Beijing, Moscow and Washington.

1998: The ETA co-founds the Slower Speeds Initiative.

1997: The ETA launches the "20's Plenty" campaign for urban streets and rural lanes.

2002: The ETA becomes the world's first carbon neutral motoring organisation.

2006: The ETA joins the national All-party Parliamentary Climate Change Group.

2009: The ETA is voted breakdown company of the year, and tours a series of events to promote cycling to over 15,000 people.

2013: The ETA wins the Green Apple gold award for the Pop-up Zebra Crossing campaign

2014: The ETA launches the Back on a Bike campaign and goes on to deliver 120 cycling roadshows as part of the TFL Mini Holland project.

2015: The ETA is voted Britain's most ethical insurance company by the Good Shopping Guide

2015: The ETA proposes Southern Crossrail in a bid to double the capacity of Waterloo station and improve the daily commute for millions of people.

2016: The ETA is voted Britain's most ethical insurance company by the Good Shopping Guide for the second year running.

2017: The ETA is voted Britain's most ethical insurance company by the Good Shopping Guide for the thirdyear running.

Read more about who we are and what we do.



Information correct at time of publication.

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