Bripe: Ultimate coffee maker for the great outdoors?
January 11, 2022

It might look like something from the set of Breaking Bad, but you're looking at the Bripe; if not the best portable coffee maker in the world, definitely the most hipster-friendly.
The Bripe is a small, lightweight copper and silver pipe that makes coffee in the great outdoors.
You don't need electricity, a gas stove, kettle or pot. The handmade Bripe requires only ground coffee and water -heat is courtesy of a small butane-powered quad jet torch that's included in the kit.
The folk behind the Bripe are as interesting as the concept itself. Tim Panek and Craig Hall run a coffee company called Equator Coffee Roasters. Before that, Tim had abandoned corporate America with his wife Linda and four children in favour of the jungles of Costa Rica and a life of adventure, entrepreneurship, and community service. The duo's latest project is a hostel that will provide medical, training and cultural services on the Quitirrisi indigenous reserve in Costa Rica. When it’s complete, the hostel will sleep approximately 50 people and provide facilities for First Nations people who must come into the city, then often wait days to get into a public hospital.
The Bripe took shape after Tim and Craig decided they wanted to enjoy a great coffee shot while outside, but found that all of the existing coffee-making products were too complex, too bulky, and weighed too much to fit into a backpack or river kayak.
While the Bripe might look like a simple bit of kit, years of development have gone into refining the design. We think it's ideally suited to
Win yourself a bripe
The Bripe is currently sold out, but we're on the waiting list for when production catches up with demand. If you'd like to win a Bripe, simply leave us a comment below and we'll pick a name just as soon as the brew pipe arrive with us.
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Information correct at time of publication.