Arnold Schwarzenegger stopped for no cycle helmet

March 17, 2015

Australian police stop Arnold Schwarzenegger for not wearing a cycle helmet

Keen cyclist Arnold Schwarzenegger has been stopped by police in Victoria for not wearing a helmet, an offence that carries a $146 (£75) fine.

Arnold Schwarzenegger on bicycle

The 67-year-old Terminator star, who uses a bike to get about the cities he visits, was advised by Australian police to visit the nearest 7-Eleven and buy a helmet for $5.

To wear or not to wear, that is the question

Many more people suffer head injuries in cars and the home than while cycling, but few people would advocate compulsory helmet wearing by car drivers or pedestrians.

An increasing number of British cyclists choose to wear helmets, but counter-intuitive as it seems, head injury rates have not decreased as one might expect. Injury rates in countries where very few cyclists wear helmets are amongst the lowest in the world. There is much speculation over why this might be, but the statistics makes a strong argument against any move to make helmet wearing mandatory until thorough research is undertaken. For a detailed analysis of the arguments for and against helmet effectiveness visit


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Information correct at time of publication.

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