A beginner's guide to mobility scooters: FAQs

April 16, 2024

man on mobility scooter parked on seafront beside beach huts talking to woman

Do I need to have my mobility scooter serviced?

If you want your mobility scooter to last, it pays to have it serviced. A comprehensive service should include the checking and adjustment of brakes, wheels and tyres. Electrical connections should be inspected and the battery tested.

How much does a mobility scooter service cost?

Here in the UK, the costs of a mobility scooter service ranges between £50 - £150 depending on what's required. The exact cost of servicing a mobility scooter varies so remember to shop around for quotes so you pay a fair price.

mobility scooter insurance

How can I tell what type of mobility scooter I have?

If you've bought a mobility scooter second-hand, it's sometimes tricky to know what type it is. There are two categories of mobility scooter.

Class 2 mobility scooters can’t be used on the road (except where there isn’t a pavement) and have a maximum speed of 4 mph. This type of mobility scooter does not need to be registered.

Class 3 mobility scooters can be used on the road, and have a maximum speed of 4 mph off the road, and 8 mph on the road. Class 3 mobility scooters need to be registered with the DVLA by completing form V55/4 for new vehicles, or V55/5 for used vehicles.

If your scooter has a dial that allows you to adjust its top speed it's a class 3.

Can I buy mobility scooter insurance for someone else?

Mobility scooters allow around half-a-million people here in the UK to live independent lives, and we're here to provide a lifeline when things go wrong. We protect against punctures, lost keys, accidental damage, and our breakdown service operates 24/7.

Our insurance costs only £65 per year to cover a mobility scooter or powered wheelchair worth up to £3,500; if you need to buy on behalf of your parents, relative or neighbour, don't worry - it couldn't be easier.

Mobility scooter insurance from the ETA includes:

Cover for theft and damage
Cover for you on any mobility scooter/electric wheelchair
Breakdown recovery up to 25 miles
Puncture repairs up to £100 per claim
Replacement scooter hire up to £250
Key cover up to £100
Personal accident up to £20,000
Personal liability up to £2,000,000

Whether you're buying the cover for yourself , or somebody else, it's easy - you can either call us on 0333 000 1234 or do it all online.

Mobility scooter insurance cover for couples

Insurance from the ETA already represents great value at only £65 per year to cover a mobility scooter or powered wheelchair worth up to £3,500, but you can now buy the same policy to cover two people at the same address for only £90 per year - a saving of 30 per cent.

We allow you the option of insuring your mobility scooter or powered wheelchair for £3,500, £5,000. £7,500 or even £10,000. There's never been a better time to buy ETA mobility scooter insurance.

mobility scooter insurance for couples

Can I use my mobility scooter in shops?

Over 300,000 people in the UK rely on a mobility scooter to lead an independent life and that includes using it for shopping trips. Most large shops and supermarkets make good provision for mobility scooters and some even have scooters of their own that you can borrow.

By law all shops must be accessible, but you may find that narrow aisles make manoeuvring your scooter a challenge.

mobility scooter insurance

Are tandem mobility scooters legal in the UK?

Tandem mobility scooters are no different from a conventional driver-only model, other than their stretched chassis and additional seat. However, they are not currently legal to use on British roads or pavements.

According to the Department for Transport:

Tandem mobility scooters cannot legally be used on pavements or roads in Britain. In law, a mobility scooter and a powered wheelchair are both considered to be an ‘invalid carriage’, defined under the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970. The specific definition is: Section 20 (2) "invalid carriage" means a vehicle, whether mechanically propelled or not, constructed or adapted for use for the carriage of one person, being a person suffering from some physical defect or disability.

What is a type 3 mobility scooter?

There are two categories of mobility scooter. Class 2 mobility scooters cannot be used on the road (except where there isn’t a pavement) and have a maximum speed of 4 mph. This type of mobility scooter does not need to be registered. Class 3 mobility scooters can be used on the road, and have a maximum speed of 4 mph off the road, and 8 mph on the road. You must be 14 or over to drive a class 3 invalid carriage.

Do mobility scooters need an MOT?

Mobility scooters don't need an MOT, but the law requires that class 3 mobility scooters have the following features:

  • maximum weight of 150 kg (without you on it)
  • maximum width of 0.85 metres
  • a speed setting for 4 mph (for pavements and other off-road areas)
  • maximum speed of 8 mph
  • brakes that work (the brakes on a scooter are on until you pull the 'wig-wag' lever to drive the scooter)
  • front and rear lights
  • indicators
  • hazard lights
  • a horn
  • a rear view mirror
  • an amber flashing light (if used on a dual carriageway)

Who is allowed to use a mobility scooter?

You can only drive a mobility scooter or powered wheelchair if you have trouble walking because of an injury, physical disability or medical condition.

Do mobility scooters pay tax (vehicle excise duty)?

You don’t have to pay road tax for any mobility scooter or powered wheelchair, but you must register class 3 mobility scooters with the DVLA.

Do I need insurance for my mobility scooter?

It’s not a legal requirement to have insurance for a mobility scooter, but you might find yourself liable in the event of a collision so it is recommended. Fully comprehensive mobility scooter insurance from the ETA offers peace of mind and costs only £65 for a year's cover.

The policy includes everything you need to keep you moving should your mobility scooter be stolen, vandalised or damaged accidentally. At no extra cost, you also benefit from breakdown cover to take you home if your mobility scooter suffers a flat battery, mechanical fault or puncture.

For added reassurance, every policy includes £2m third party cover to protect you against claims for injury or damage sustained to others, or their property, caused whilst using your mobility scooter or powered chair, all policies also include personal accident cover up to £20,000.

Can you buy mobility scooter breakdown cover?

You can buy breakdown cover for a mobility scooter in the same way as you can for a car. If you break down, or your battery runs flat while you are out and about, the ETA will send a suitable recovery vehicle to come to your aid. Our rescue teams are available 24/7, 365 days a year, so no matter where you breakdown in Britain, you can rest assured that help is at hand. We’ll arrange to get you and your mobility scooter home, or to a specialist repair shop the same day. One year's mobility scooter breakdown cover costs just £39.

The ethical choice

The ETA was established in 1990 as an ethical provider of green, reliable travel services. Over 30 years on, we continue to offer cycle insurance , breakdown cover and mobility scooter insurance while putting concern for the environment at the heart of all we do.

The Good Shopping Guide judges us to be the UK's most ethical provider.


Information correct at time of publication.

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