How does coronavirus / covid-19 affect my breakdown cover?
March 25, 2020

Coronavirus is posing challenges for us all, but by following Government advice and our own health and safety protocols we continue to provide the best possible service for all our customers.
ETA breakdown assistance in Britain
We remain fully operational and are ready to help you when you need us. Simply call the 24-hour assistance number detailed in your breakdown policy. You can find a list of all our breakdown numbers here
Requesting breakdown assistance if you have symptoms, have been diagnosed or are self-isolating from coronavirus / covid-19
If you have symptoms, have been diagnosed, have come into contact with the virus or have been asked to self-isolate and you need to report a breakdown, please inform us at the beginning of the call. We will then guide you through our revised process and explain how we will help you.
How you will be assisted in Britain during the coronavirus / covid–19 pandemic
Our recovery operators will attend breakdowns equipped with protective gloves and cleaning products. We ask you to protect yourselves and our team by maintaining a distance of two metres or remaining in your vehicle if it is safe to do so. Please allow yourselves to be guided by our team and follow their instructions. We will always remain in contact to advise you on your options either directly or via the recovery team attending your breakdown.
Breakdown assistance in Europe
We recommend you read the Government's travel advice before you consider travelling to Europe. Our service is operating in Europe, but restrictions differ from country to country due to the coronavirus / covid–19 pandemic. Please be aware that as a result of these restrictions, our service may be hindered in certain countries.
Maintaining your vehicle while restrictions are in place
Many of you won’t be using your vehicles as regularly as you normally would, which means batteries may lose their charge. Solar-powered battery chargers are inexpensive and easy to use. Simply place one on your dashboard and plug into your 12v socket. Be aware that running your car's engine for a short period of time won’t adequately charge its battery. In fact, it may drain it further if it is already weak.
If you have some spare time while your vehicle is sitting idle, check tyre pressures, engine oil levels, washer fluid and coolant. Check the manual or online for advice on how to do this for your particular vehicle. Also, check the tyre tread and the condition of your windscreen wipers. Replace what you can at home, such as coolant and oil, or make a list and ensure the repairs are completed when you are able to drive again.
If your MOT expires during the coronavirus pandemic
The Government has now confirmed that all cars, motorcycles and vans which would usually require an MOT test will be exempted from needing a test from 30th March 2020. As is always the case, vehicles must be kept in a roadworthy condition and drivers will be prosecuted if they are driving unsafe vehicles. Remember, the MOT is only ever the condition of a vehicle on the day it is tested. Legislation relating to MOT exemptions will be introduced on 30th March and and expected to last 12 months. See the government advice in full here
Thank you for your support and understanding. W are ready and waiting to help you during this challenging time.

The ethical choice
The ETA was established in 1990 as an ethical provider of green, reliable travel services. 30 years on, we continue to offer cycle insurance, travel insurance, breakdown cover and home insurance while putting concern for the environment at the heart of all we do.
Information correct at time of publication.