World Environment Day 2009 is tomorrow
June 4, 2009
For the last twenty-seven years, 5th June has marked World Environment Day (WED) – tommorrow will be no different. Over the years, the United Nations has used WED to increase worldwide awareness of the environment and stimulate political action.
The theme for this year’s event is ‘Your Planet Needs You- Unite to Combat Climate Change’ – a precursor to the climate convention meeting in Copenhagen later this year.
The aims of World Environment Day 2009 are to:
- Give a human face to environmental issues
- Empower people to become active agents of sustainable and equitable development
- Promote an understanding that communities are pivotal to changing attitudes towards environmental issues
- Advocate partnerships which will ensure all nations and peoples enjoy a safer and more prosperous future
This year’s host is Mexico, a country that is to plant 250m trees in support of the UN’s Billion Tree Campaign. The aim is for 7 billion trees to be planted by the end of the year – one for every person on the planet. Three billion are already planted. Five billion are pledged.
Green Transport Week 2009
Councils, schools, local groups and companies will next week help celebrate Green Transport Week 2009 (13-21 Jun3 2009). The aim of Green Transport Week is to raise awareness of the impact travel has on the environment, to make people stop and think about the way they travel on every journey and to send a message to the government that the people of Britain care about green issues.
There will be a number of fun and exciting events going on up and down the country that highlight greener ways to travel.
Car free day 2009
Motorists in over twenty British towns and cities will on Monday 22nd September leave their cars at home in favour of bicycles, trains and buses as part of Car Free Day, a now global event that was first organised in Britain by the Environmental Transport Association (ETA).
The event now involves almost 2000 towns and cities in 38 countries around the world.
What is the ETA?
The ETA provides motorists and cyclists with green breakdown cover and green insurance products and campaigns for sustainable transport – when you buy our services below you help fund our charitable work.
Information correct at time of publication.