University sees bike theft soar
December 9, 2009

A string of bike thefts have been reported by students at the University of York.
In the last seven days, four bike theft claims have been brought forward, bringing the total number of bicycles stolen at the university tjhis year to 35.
"We are providing extra high visibility patrols on campus and have run several cycle tagging days and offer crime prevention to people who are seen to secure cycles poorly," said Tom Rollinson, PCSO for the university.
According to North Yorkshire Police, bicycle tagging offers good bike theft protection as at least three bike theft victims have had their bicycles returned thanks to the police-fitted tags.
Students have also been advised to purchase secure locks and make use of campus bicycle parking racks to avoid falling victim to bike theft.
Cycle insurance
The short answer is yes. Bikes are vulnerable to theft and in the case of an accident you may need to seek compensation or even deal with a claim by someone else. Cycle insurance from the ETA includes new-for-old replacement, third party insurance, personal accident cover and if you breakdown, they will even come out and recover you and your bike.

Use the table below to quickly compare prices.

Information correct at time of publication.