My other electric bicycle is a Ducati
February 10, 2010

Ducati has built its reputation on producing thoroughbred twin-cylinder sports motorcycles, but the latest two-wheeler in the Italian company’s range is an electric bicycle with a top speed of 15mph.
The Ducati ‘City Pearl’ electric bicycle has a 250 watt motor mounted in its front wheel hub, with a lithium battery and other electronics on a luggage rack above the rear wheel.
A joint venture between Ducati and Italian electric bicycle maker, Italwin,
the bicycle is to go on sale in April via cycle shops and a handful of motorcycle dealerships.
A spokesperson for the Environmental Transport Association (ETA) “If the City Pearl proves as popular as the other bikes in the Ducati line up, the electric bicycle market could enjoy a boost.”
Bicycles by Ferrari, Lamborghini and Hummer

There is nothing new about bicycles being built by companies best known for high-performance cars and motorbikes.
Motorcycle brand Harley Davidson started out making bicycles and Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche and Mercedes are a few of the cars makers that currently put their names to bicycles.
Even Hummer, the American manufacturer of military vehicle and SUVs makes an environmentally-friendly folding full-size mountain bike.
Cycle insurance for bicycles (including electric ones)
Cycle insurance from the ETA includes new-for-old, third party insurance (in the case of an accident you may need to seek compensation or even deal with a claim by someone else), personal accident cover and if you suffer a mechanical breakdown, they will come out and recover you and your bike. Electric bicycles can also be covered.

Information correct at time of publication.