Digital coffee table book charts bicycle history
January 3, 2012

The Cyclepedia app is a digital coffee table book that captures the evolution of cycling with wonderful clarity.
One hundred bicycles of historical significance can be rotated 360º, zoomed in on and generally poured over.

The £6.99 Cyclepedia app also includes video clips, original brochures, contemporary advertising, engineering drawings and rare stills.
Perhaps the final word should go to iPad devotee, Stephen Fry: “As mesmerisingly beautiful an iPad app as you could ever hope to see. Full of innovative but intuitive ways to navigate, this is like the most beautiful, informative and deliciously lovely guide to bicycle design as you can imagine. And if you think that bicycles are a rather humble, banal and uninteresting field of industrial design this will make you think again. Stunning.”
Bicycle insurance from 33p per week
Cycle insurance from the ETA covers against theft, accidental damage and vandalism (including at race events) includes third insurance, a breakdown recovery service for cyclists and worldwide cover.

Information correct at time of publication.