Business becomes bike theft victim
December 11, 2009

A business in Milton Keynes has fallen victim to bike theft. Burglars smashed through the windows of Race Timing Systems in Linford and stole two rare bicycles worth more than £7,000.
According to reports, only ten of the models have ever been sold in the country.
In addition, the thieves stole eight laptops enclosed in laptop bags and a further two specialist racing bicycles.
The bike theft took place on Monday (December 7th) at 2.20pm at the Milton Keynes Business Centre.
Statistics published by the Home Office have revealed that 439,000 bike thefts were reported between 2005 and 2006, although the total number of bicycles stolen is liekly to be higher .
The benefits of cycle insurance
Bikes are vulnerable to theft and in the case of an accident you may need to seek compensation or even deal with a claim by someone else. Cycle insurance from the ETA includes new-for-old replacement, third party insurance, personal accident cover and if you breakdown, they will even come out and recover you and your bike.

Use the table below to quickly compare prices.

Information correct at time of publication.