British urban jungle loses 60 street trees every day
July 20, 2017

Given outdoor air pollution in Britain contributes to around 40,000 deaths every year, it seems odd that so little is done to reduce pollution. The challenge of protecting our clean air can seem insurmountable, but only because there is so little joined-up thinking in government. Take as one tiny example, the removal of street trees, which are being felled by local authorities at a rate of nearly 60 a day.
Trees have a transformative effect on towns and cities. They clean the air, provide cooling shade in summer and provide physical and psychological benefits to health. And yet more than 150,000 trees have been removed from urban highways since 2010 at a cost of £16m. Tens of thousands have not been replaced. Many of the trees being lost are mature Victorian or Edwardian trees, which are in their prime and have a life span of up to 250 years.
An investigation by the i newspaper found the excuses given by councils for why trees were felled included ‘nuisance fruit fall’, councillor pressure’, ‘shading’, ‘to make way for off-street parking’ and ‘poor aesthetic crown shape’.
The health benefits of trees
Japan launched a national health programme 35 years ago called ‘Shinrin-Yoku’, which involves spending more around trees – not jogging, or cycling or working out, but simply in contemplation. Researchers found that in order to protect themselves from germs and insects, trees emit oils called phytoncides – a substance which is of benefit to our own immune systems. The Japanese have recognised that spending time around trees lowers blood pressure and reduces stress hormones.

Ethical insurance
The ETA has been named Britain's most ethical insurance company 2017, sharing the title with Naturesave.
Beating household-name insurance companies such as John Lewis and the Co-op, we earned an ethical company index score of 89 – earning us joint-first place with Naturesave.
The ETA was established in 1990 as an ethical provider of green, reliable travel services. Twenty seven years on, we continue to offer cycle insurance, travel insurance and breakdown cover while putting concern for the environment at the heart of all we do.
Information correct at time of publication.