Bicycle bling: The Porsche GT3 full-size pedal car
June 3, 2010

It’s the knotty problem wrestled with by cyclists everywhere: You like the idea of owning a £140,000 Porsche GT3 RS, but worry it would mean less time on the bike.
Luckily a team of designers has produced the greenest Porsche to date; a zero-emissions version of the GT3 RS built around a pedal car.
A spokesperson for the Environmental Transport Association (ETA) said: “Everyone should have a pedal-powered supercar in their garage.”
“Sportscar builders such as Porsche and Ferrari make much of their plans to introduce hybrid technology, but these have as much to do with tough CO2 emissions targets and the threat of inner city bans on highly-polluting vehicles as they do a desire to produce environmentally-friendly cars.”
Porsche GT3 RS pedal car
Bicycle insurance
Cycle insurance from the ETA covers against theft, accidental damage and vandalism (including at race events) includes third insurance, a breakdown recovery service for cyclists and worldwide cover.

Information correct at time of publication.