As cold snap looms, drivers urged to avoid breakdown gamble
January 11, 2013
With sub-zero temperatures predicted for much of the country this weekend, drivers are being urged to ensure they have adequate car breakdown cover in place.
Freezing temperatures place an additional strain on cars and result in flat batteries being the number one cause of breakdowns at this time of year. If you do not have car breakdown cover recovery policy, the cost of calling a local firm and having them tow your vehicle to a local garage can range from £50 to well over £100 depending on your location and the time of day.
On top of the cost can be added the inconvenience of having to find the phone number of a local breakdown recovery company and a garage to receive the car, all from the roadside.
Furthermore, if you are unlucky to breakdown while parked in a row of cars and it’s not possible to push your car to a position where it can be loaded onto the recovery lorry, then your vehicle will have to be placed on skates – a piece of specialist equipment the use of which can add to the cost of being recovered if you do not have a breakdown recovery policy.
With the cost of an annual policy starting from less than £30, can you afford to be without cover?
Do you have breakdown cover?
- Annual breakdown recovery for your car from less than £30
- 10% off breakdown cover for new customers this weekend (ends 14/1/13)
- Follow the link and use discount code 21146000
Information correct at time of publication.