News Archives - Health

Should we pay commuters to cycle to work?

If you’re lucky enough to cycle as part of your work, your employer can pay you a tax-free mileage allowance of up to 20p per mile. Unfortunately, the commuting journeys between your home and permanent workplace don’t qualify. However, one of our nearest neighbours permits commuters to claim an allowance for cycling to and from work every day. Cyclists in…

Even the shortest trips by bicycle boost heart health

Everyone understands cycling is good for you, but a study by UCL and Sydney University has found really small changes to our activity levels – like replacing sedentary behaviour with a just few minutes of riding each day – boosts heart health. The findings are important because over 20 million people across the globe die each year from cardiovascular disease. The…

Health benefits of cycle commuting – come rain or shine

Can you believe that some people put their bikes away for winter? It’s a form of hibernation all the more surprising because cycling has year-round health benefits  –  even on days when poor weather temnpts you to take the car or bus to work. A 5-year study of over 250,000 British commuters found people who cycled to work were healthier…

Darkness kills and sunshine saves; For safer roads, let’s call time on the clock change

The UK has already tried year-round BST – once during the war to maximise daylight working hours, and again between 1968-1971. The most recent trial saw an 11 per cent reduction in road traffic deaths and injuries thanks to lighter evenings, but was ended following pressure from the farming lobby and its objections to darker mornings in the north. It’s…

Let’s hear it for noise cameras

New York is the latest city to fight back against the racket caused by cars and motorbikes fitted illegal aftermarket exhausts. Streets in Manhattan have been equipped with British-made SoundVue noise detectors that are triggered by 85 decibels from any source at least 15 metres away. Under New York’s Stop Loud and Excessive Exhaust Pollution (Sleep) Act, the drivers of…